On 08/01/12 04:50, Stuart wrote:
> If this kind of abuse is indicative of the "D community", I'll keep my help 
> to myself.

If this kind of response is indicative of the way you deal with mild 
abrasiveness, you're very very welcome to.

> Perhaps not, but he's certainly lowering my opinion of this forum and its 
> members. I would like to point out AGAIN that my claim of a BSc in Software 
> Engineering was not bragging; but simply a statement that I was not 
> "ignorant" of the general principles of coding and of C/C++. I fail to see 
> why it has immediately earned me large amounts of abuse.

Having a BSc in SE has only tangential connection to being able to write good 

> While I appreciate the help of some people on here, it seems this forum is 
> populated at least 50% by complete cocks. Also, as it stands, D is NOT USABLE 
> for any serious purpose (such as writing an application); and I'm not 
> prepared to put up with the level of abuse and trolling that's coming my way. 
> You may notice I insulted nobody who didn't insult me first.

I think if you left at this point, it'd make this place better.

> I don't mind a bit of banter and bad language, but I draw the line at 
> personal attacks. Either they stop or I do.

Fine: your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries. Also, 
farts are had in your approximate area. Please stop now?

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