On 9/23/12 7:08 PM, deadalnix wrote:
Le 24/09/2012 00:48, Andrei Alexandrescu a écrit :
This notion a lot of trouble with it; I think it's safe to abandon it

Once a one-element tuple becomes equivalent to the actual item, there's
an explosion of trouble and special cases in the language and in code
that uses it. For example, divide and conquer code that manipulates
tuples and takes t[0 .. $/2] and t[$/2+1 .. $] would suddenly get to
cases in which the slices are no longer tuples, and so on. And that's
only the beginning.

This is a very weak point. In most cases, divide an conquer with tuple
don't even make sense.

The example came from min() applied to built-in "T..." tuples. I've implemented it a few times, and I recall at some point there was a compiler bug related to zero-length tuples. It was rather awkward to address. But there are many other cases. In my opinion, introducing a change of phase at length=1 is just causing trouble.


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