> You are poorly informed, Doc. Condemning others 
> based on what you've been told is risky business. 

The attitude of condemnation has been somewhat
one-sided, and not from my side.  I made a simple
*observation* based on 30 years of experience with
computers without the intention of it turning into
a big deal.  I am sorry it has been made such.

I apologize to anyone who has chosen to be offended.
It was not my intention to insult -- I was echoing
what programmers have told me.  Other programmers
may disagree, but then their argument is with their
peers, especially with the Linux folks who plead
for scraps of information from which they can write
the drivers that others say cannot be written --
then they write them.

It was a *combination* of observation and testimony.

Meanwhile I celebrate and support Mozilla/Firefox/
Thunderbird/Seamonkey, AbiWord, Hamlibs, hundreds
if not thousands of Java-based apps, and hundreds
if not thousands of other cross-platform apps.

We all make choices at various moments of the
software conceptualization, development, promotion,
and selection cycle.

I have joined with those who make cross-platform
compatibility an important preference.  I am sorry
if that makes some people, especially at Microsoft,

'nuff said, let's move on.


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
Projects: http://ham-macguyver.bibleseven.com
Personal: http://bibleseven.com
Note:  Both down temporarily due to server change.

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