Brad wrote:
> It is not surprising Bonnie, but it is INCREDIBLY boring. You guys have 
> way too many rules, and the surprising thing is that so many hams seem 
> to think that the problems can be solved by introducing yet more!

I agree with this, and would like to suggest that when discussing something as
specific as the USA band plan, that the subjects be tagged as such. The rest
of the world, or Zone 2, for that matter is not regulated in the same way. We
each have our 'special' rules and regs.

I find it strange however that the modes are regulated by the government. I've
only operated in VK and ZL and as long as the transmission is within the band
limits and ITU regs are respected (for things like beacons and satellite)
anything goes. Band plans have been developed as agreements on polite
operating rather than restrictive regulation.

I believe that the posters who suggested that it was the role of amateur radio
to push the technology and to experiment with new modes/encoding hit the nail
on the head. Once we've had the fun testing it the commercial guys can then go
and use it. The power of modern PCs gives DSP power to the amateur, so let's
all have some fun and play with the different options.

David Ingram (VK4TDI)
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
MGRS: 56J MQ 991583    Grid Square: QG62lm

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