>  NO ONE wants to hamper experimenting but at the same
>  time no one should want to crush other older modes ...

No one wants to crush the older modes -- but they can't block moving
to new modes and that's what's happening now.

>  Sadly NO ONE beleves that somehow our fearless leaders
>  in Newinton are not up to something And the ARRL came
>  over as tring to do just that with 90% of 2 major
>  bands being opened for 1% of all hams.

I don't believe they're up to something sinister.   Quite the opposite
I believe the recent actions would be far less then what we Amateurs
need to survive and thrive in modern times.

The problem with the current support of a certain digital message
trafficing system isn't that it's being supported, but that it has
significant technical shortcomings.   Also the ARRL folks should build
a real system of their own, not piggy back on another system.

>  Now back to radio ......

That is a good plan..

Bill, WA7NWP

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