John ....

I average 5 hours a day .... split between 6 meter
SSB/FM, 2 meter ssb/FM and have running in the shack
223 FM, 17 meter SSB, 10 FM and room to run 2 more as
needed...... inc psk-31.

I have separate antennas for 6 SSB/FM, 2 SSB/FM, 440,
17, 10 SSB/FM and 80-10meters and can run up to 6
bands / modes at the same time.

NORNALY I will have radios going on 50.125, 50.020 (
or 52.525 ), 144.200 ( 210 ) 147.550, 223.500 and
29.600 with my ft-840 free to be used on any HF band.

With my new sound link box it will free up the FT-100D
for 6 SSB and FM ... the old box is on the FT-100
which allows me to run it on 6 psk-31 when its on or

Give a listen one day you might hear me ....... on
just about any mode......

--- John Champa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bruce,
> We call it LISTEN FIRST before transmitting...
> You really need to get on the air more, OM!  (HI)
> And stop wasting your time on this reflector...
> John
> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: bruce mallon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Digi Voice: No Bandwidth
> Limit (was Re: ARRL 
> wake up ......)
> Date: Thu, 3 May 2007 04:21:45 -0700 (PDT)
> then how do you expect to know if you are
> interfering
> with someone if they cant id you ?
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