--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> We really need to have BBS systems for HF that lets you use a sound
> to inexpensively time shift communication. This requires an ARQ mode 
> that can get through difficult condx with a full ASCII character set. 
> Nothing like that exists yet for the Windows environment.
> How about someone with the knowledge and interest in bringing an 
> improved PSKmail to the Microsoft Windows environment that has an error 
> free keyboard mode and also has a rudimentary BBS and perhaps even an 
> e-mail component too?
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U 

Hi Rick,

Take a look at the new Multipsk beta test version with ALE -141. It
does most of what you describe, and looks like it is capable of doing
the rest of your laundry list, with just a little more development.

Bonnie KQ6XA

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