It does not seem that 141A is all that robust. Of course it is better 
than 300 baud packet so you might be able to use it for daytime 
communications, but it seems to fail with moderate QRN on the lower 
bands that you would use for NVIS type local communication.

For those of you who use Pactor 2 and 3, do you find that you can still 
work through S9 +20 dB QRN or do those modes also fail about the same?


Rick, KV9U

expeditionradio wrote:
> --- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> We really need to have BBS systems for HF that lets you use a sound
> card 
>> to inexpensively time shift communication. This requires an ARQ mode 
>> that can get through difficult condx with a full ASCII character set. 
>> Nothing like that exists yet for the Windows environment.
>> How about someone with the knowledge and interest in bringing an 
>> improved PSKmail to the Microsoft Windows environment that has an error 
>> free keyboard mode and also has a rudimentary BBS and perhaps even an 
>> e-mail component too?
>> 73,
>> Rick, KV9U 
> Hi Rick,
> Take a look at the new Multipsk beta test version with ALE -141. It
> does most of what you describe, and looks like it is capable of doing
> the rest of your laundry list, with just a little more development.
> Bonnie KQ6XA
> Announce your digital presence via our Interactive Sked Page at
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