
Could you be a bit more specific when you say that you are having good 

How does RFSM2400 compare with other digital modes, particularly in 
terms of weak signal performance? And also with high noise levels such 
as on the lower bands?

Although I don't have any convenient way of trying out RFSM2400 since I 
only use software that supports CI-V or RS-232 rig control, (ICOM does 
not permit VOX control from the rear connector), are there any U.S. hams 
finding superior results compared with other modes?


Rick, KV9U

zl1tbg wrote:
> In ZL we are testing RFSM2400 with good results.
> The program installs easily and operates easily first time.
> Operators can see how progress is during a session - not "left in the 
> dark"
> Server PC can be left unattended and autostart on power up.
> These points are important for any application that needs to be 
> deployed amongst volunteers. There is also a group in ZL developing 
> DominoEX for this purpose, specifically tailored for NVIS.
> Ralph ZL1TBG

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