I have downloaded and installed all those apps on my kubuntu 7.10 with little problem. When I start the download it asks me if I would like to use "Ark" which I do then extract the file to my home folder and everything works right away by clicking on the icon in the home folder. For fldigi, make sure you have hamlib installed and if you have installed an older version trsh the hidden folder .fldigi. I noticed that the repository installs fldigi in the usr/bin folder.

Hope that is ome help.

Darrel, VE7CUS

On 26-Nov-07, at 5:41 PM, Rick wrote:

I am trying (yet again) to use Linux in a practical manner. With my
older computer the newest version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) has the
correct drivers for my 22" Samsung Monitor. I have downloaded fldigi,
geoid, fl_logbook, and flarq. I double click on the binary .tgz and it
brings up File Roller (not exactly what the help says, but this is Linux
and there are some gotchas and what some might call small errors, but
frustrating when you trying to do it right). It is not as intuitive as
Windows programs, but I am thinking I am doing the right thing and
trying to extract the components. It seems to be happening and then I
have a representation of the program as an icon and the properties of
the icon says it is an executable program.

In some cases there is yet another installation script but when I run
that, nothing happens. None of the binaries will actually work.. Except
on time I did get fldigi to come up on the screen, but after that ...
nothing. So I have to be doing one or more things wrong. I have spent
quite a few hours trying to figure this out, but no luck so far.

Anyone have an idea what needs to be done in addition to what I am
trying to do?

I might mention that I was able to use Synaptic to retrieve the binaries
for gMFSK and XLog and they both installed OK and it put the apps in a
menu called "Other." Oddly, when I tried to do the same with the older
version of fldigi, v. 1.33 (new is 2.04) it did not work either.


Rick, KV9U

Paul L Schmidt, K9PS wrote:
> Yes - fldigi doesn't (at least, not yet) support MT-63. I found
> the ubuntu repository and the gmfsk package... although I'll have
> to do some research to tell him how to get it installed. He's
> a Linux very-newbie, and I'm a Linux old-timer but haven't used
> ubuntu enough to know how to have it fetch the packages. I shouldn't
> have any problems getting that figured out, though. I survived the
> transition from SLS to Slackware's .tgz files to RedHat RPM's :)
> Thanks for the info.
> 73,
> Paul / K9PS

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