Good morning, Rick. I am not an Ubuntu expert by any stretch of the 
imagination. I have been playing around with it a bit, though. I also 
downloaded the fldigi package using Synaptic. The installer does not put 
an icon on your desktop, or an item in your menu. Here's what I had to do:

Use your file browser to go to the /usr/bin directory. There you will 
find a file called 'fldigi'. Click on that and the program will run. Now 
I have to figure out how to install the newer version of the program 
that is not in the Synaptic repository yet. I also have to figure out 
how to get Ubuntu to recognize my rig interface which is connected using 
a USB to serial adapter. So many things to do . . .

Good luck and 73.

Roy N9RG

Rick wrote:
> I am trying (yet again) to use Linux in a practical manner. With my
> older computer the newest version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) has the
> correct drivers for my 22" Samsung Monitor. I have downloaded fldigi,
> geoid, fl_logbook, and flarq. I double click on the binary .tgz and it
> brings up File Roller (not exactly what the help says, but this is Linux
> and there are some gotchas and what some might call small errors, but
> frustrating when you trying to do it right). It is not as intuitive as
> Windows programs, but I am thinking I am doing the right thing and
> trying to extract the components. It seems to be happening and then I
> have a representation of the program as an icon and the properties of
> the icon says it is an executable program.
> In some cases there is yet another installation script but when I run
> that, nothing happens. None of the binaries will actually work.. Except
> on time I did get fldigi to come up on the screen, but after that ...
> nothing. So I have to be doing one or more things wrong. I have spent
> quite a few hours trying to figure this out, but no luck so far.
> Anyone have an idea what needs to be done in addition to what I am
> trying to do?
> I might mention that I was able to use Synaptic to retrieve the binaries
> for gMFSK and XLog and they both installed OK and it put the apps in a
> menu called "Other." Oddly, when I tried to do the same with the older
> version of fldigi, v. 1.33 (new is 2.04) it did not work either.
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U
> Paul L Schmidt, K9PS wrote:
> > Yes - fldigi doesn't (at least, not yet) support MT-63. I found
> > the ubuntu repository and the gmfsk package... although I'll have
> > to do some research to tell him how to get it installed. He's
> > a Linux very-newbie, and I'm a Linux old-timer but haven't used
> > ubuntu enough to know how to have it fetch the packages. I shouldn't
> > have any problems getting that figured out, though. I survived the
> > transition from SLS to Slackware's .tgz files to RedHat RPM's :)
> >
> >
> > Thanks for the info.
> >
> > 73,
> >
> > Paul / K9PS
> >

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