As I said, I am no Linux or Ubuntu expert. Here is what I did, though. 
For the older version 1.37 (or what ever) of the fldigi program, I 
simply installed it using the Synaptic Agent. I then had to navigate to 
usr/bin directory, find the fldigi file and click on it to run it. You 
should also be able to open a terminal and do the same thing from the 
command line.

For the newer version 2.04 of fldigi, I downloaded the .tgz file, 
uncompressed it and ran the extracted file. That placed a file called 
fldigi in my home directory, /home/roy in my case. I can click on that 
file and fldigi runs for me. I have not tried playing around with it to 
see what it will do. I think perhaps it is time for me to spend some 
time with the help files. I am able to run the fldigi file whether I am 
using Gnome or KDE. At first I did not delete a hidden .fldigi 
directory. The newer version still ran. I then located and deleted the 
hidden directory and it still runs. I have not tried doing a 
configuration and changing that or anything. I hope some of this helps 
you. I know how frustrating it can be trying to figure this stuff out 
for yourself. Let me know if I canhelp you in any way.

73 and good luck.
Roy N9RG


Rick wrote:
> It seems impossible that this stuff doesn't work, but it must be some
> "little" thing that I am missing. I did discover the use of control H to
> toggle the hidden files. The program unfortunately doesn't do anything
> and it does not seem to do an installation and there is no fldigi in the
> usr/bin folder either. I have downloaded the .tgz compressed binaries
> several times from W1HKJ so it is not likely to be corrupted files.
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U
> Darrel Smith wrote:
> > Rick
> > I have downloaded and installed all those apps on my kubuntu 7.10 with
> > little problem. When I start the download it asks me if I would like
> > to use "Ark" which I do then extract the file to my home folder and
> > everything works right away by clicking on the icon in the home
> > folder. For fldigi, make sure you have hamlib installed and if you
> > have installed an older version trsh the hidden folder .fldigi. I
> > noticed that the repository installs fldigi in the usr/bin folder.
> >
> > Hope that is ome help.
> >

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