Hi Rick et al

Rick wrote:
> 9k6 was the minimum usable speed for TCP/IP via ham radio in my view. It 
> was moderately expensive, but as you know, many rigs came along that 
> could do it. Most synthesized rigs can now, I have one here in the 
> shack, but it will never be connected because there is no interest 
> locally, and the signals have to be very good in order to get 9k6 speeds 
> through. Actually, I was interested in 56K stuff too, but that was just 
> not going to happen. We had the roadmap with ARRL publications such as 
> "Packet: Speed, More Speed, and Applications." But there just was not 
> enough interest in this by the packet radio hams.

Back in the early 90s three of us here in Vienna VA USA were running 
tcp/ip over 19k2 AX25 packet and it was OK for email and text browsing. 
  9k6 would have been too slow it seems to me. Was expensive at the time 
as we were using the Ottawa cards and kantronics D4-10 radios.

We have been using 9k2 packet for the Marine Corps Marathon now for 2 
years.  Given we controlled the server we are able to use D700s on 9k6 
just fine to check runners in and out of the aid stations. The server 
used a 9612+, AGWPE, and TelMGR to handle the connects.

We are also looking at 9k6 packet for our local county emergency shelter 
communications on VHF and UHF.  Talking to servers running various, and 
yet to be created, applications. In addition to WinLink 2k.

The statewide digital traffic net does use sound card modes.

73, Tom n4zpt
Vienna VA USA

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