It might be a switching PSU on standby mode. I know one TV set that 
cycles in a similar way (producing some 'reverse TVI"), even when the 
numbers are not the same, it starts, charges the main capacitor, goes 
into standby and restarts when its voltage diminishes under a certain 


Jose, CO2JA

Dave 'Doc' Corio wrote:

>     Thanks for the info, Bruce. I didn't have a chance to record it or 
> measure it accurately before it disappeared Friday evening some time. As 
> to if it's time synced, I would have to guess that it is. It was 
> extremely close to 10 seconds on and 5 seconds off, and the number of 
> pulses was 55 during the "on" period. Granted, timing it with a 
> stopwatch is not exactly precise, but it was close enough that I'm 
> reasonably certain it's timed somehow.
>     The simple fact that it stopped Friday night leads me to believe 
> it's some type of commercial activity. I've had the rig on a lot this 
> weekend, and haven't heard it once. It also stopped before I could log 
> exactly where it was. If I'm lucky, it's gone, never to return. I doubt 
> it, however. If it comes back, I'll get a recording of it and post it. 
> If you have a recording of yours, please send it to me! May not help, 
> but it sure couldn't hurt!
> Tnx es 73
> Dave
> Bruce Sawtelle wrote:
>> Hi Dave,
>> I have a similar type noise in our neighborhood. By doing some DF'ing,
>> we've pinned it down to a neighbor's house, but haven't been
>> successful yet in gaining their confidence to let us explore beyond
>> their front door. Can here it on VHF when we're at their front porch.
>> Is it "time synced", i.e. is the accuracy such that it's being derived
>> from a 60Hz/Xtal time base. In my case, it's not. It comes on for
>> APPROX 12 seconds and goes off for APPROX 3 seconds, but if I listen
>> to it over a few minutes, it will drift up or down. Also, I noticed I
>> can hear it at ~ 16.7KHz "offsets", which makes me think it could be
>> PC video related. Not sure if it could be switching power supply
>> related, I thought most of them were 100's Khz. Actually, It had been
>> across the full 20M band last year when we were DF'ing, but now it's
>> "discrete". I have a wav file I can send you if that would help.
>> Fortunately, it's been down to S2-3 as of late. It also seems to be
>> tied to colder weather (thermostat control??). BTW, the neighbor is
>> 300-400 feet away in a suburban area (70' x 120' lots) . W5AHC is
>> another ham in the neighborhood and he's ~100 fett closer and hears it
>> as well.
>> Hope this helps. Let me know what it ends up being.
>> tnx es 73
>> Bruce - W3NJ

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