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On 3/3/2010 10:36 AM, pd4u_dares wrote:

... considering legal action ... has an apparent plan ... may have understandably frustrated Jose

So as far as I understand it the developer with a Spanish temperament is understandably frustrated by actions of some people making baseless fuss. Baseless since the FCC position is actually opposed to the claims that were made that created the fuzz.

It is conclcuded hat Jose's behaviour is not in line with the spirit of ham radio. I ask myself if banning someone's software from amateur radio use, is in line with the ham radio spirit. I think it isn't either. So I think this advice on a public group to ban the use of ROS, is of the same order. And thus I can't understand why even more fuzz is created by banning ROS.

Why not apologize for the unnecessary fuzz created around ROS while there was no definitive position from the FCC. I think Jose will then apologize for his "apparent plans". Then all the fuzz is over.

I hope this fuzz is showing us that we all have far to big ego's, and a lack of patience, understanding and compassion for others. And are apparently merely judging others' behavior in the context of the "Ham Radio Spirit" but do not scrutinize our own "no support" threats along the same line. This is hypocrite I think.

So let's forget all the fuzz, and continue beta testing further in the name of the "HAM Radio Spirit" I would say.

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