Pssssst!  Marc!  Uh, 'scuse me but the only one uttering such thoughts thus far 
YOU.  No one else, just YOU.  You might want to cool down the dramatics and
take a breath, less you attract others with the same flair and end up creating 
self-fulfilling prophecy.  

Howard W6IDS
Richmond, IN  EM79NV

OH, and BTW, let me add that, in the spirit of fairness,  I have absolutely ZERO
desire to BETA test ROS nor any other software suite the author creates for
submission to the Amateur Community.  That's MY own public declaration,
as a group of ONE.  AND NO, you can't join.  C'mon, Marc.  How can you 
possibly have enough interested parties, in something like ROS, to create GROUPS
of haters and lovers?  PULEEZE!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "pd4u_dares" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:45 AM
Subject: [digitalradio] Re: Statement on Withdrawal of Support for ROS (K3UK 
Sked Pages)

> --- In, "Toby Burnett" <ruff...@...> <..> But to 
> be honest I don'' t think I shall bother too now as there seems much to much 
> grief happening from this.  
>> Like I say, it seemed a fair experimental mode but it is wider than  <..>
>> It'd be nice to see something other than ROS comments on the digi reflector
>> group. For a change. 
> Yeah let's stop our support for ROS on this group as well as on K3UK's sked 
> page... Let us created two camps: the ROS haters and the ROS lovers...the 
> good guys and the bad guys, and all in the name of the ham radio spirit of 
> course!! 
> :-O
> Marc, PD4U

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