The "hall of shame" consists of users that dared to criticize ROS as being too 
wide, being spread spectrum (illegal here in the US below 1.2m) or numerous 
other offenses that have never been explained. 

Personally, I'm in there because I made a post on QRZ asking to be in there so 
that I could join the rather distinguished group of those that have banned.  I 
was offended that I hadn't been included since I had been a rather vocal 
opponent of the mode.

I never said that Jose didn't take suggestions; however I did say that he needs 
to learn how to take suggestions AND criticism.  


On Jul 8, 2010, at 10:11 AM, Siegfried Jackstien wrote:

> I do not know what you and the others in the hall of shame did that made jose 
> angry
> He accepts suggestions (I asked for a function and a few versions later the 
> function was there)
> Has anybody in this blacklist ever read the read me text ??? there are 
> SEVERAL functions that jose implemented after suggestions of users

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