Well, I can't speak for everyone but I am against it, not because it is new, 
but because it is impractical for a mode that wide to be commonly used on the 
busy bands. And because of the way it has been introduced and the attitude of 
the developer in banning users he doesn't like which is not within the spirit 
of the hobby.

There are plenty of other good modes that let you work DX with low power and 
don't take up as much spectrum space, e.g. Olivia. Unfortunately it is a few 
years old so not "new" and "cool" etc. I doubt if the difference between ROS 
and Olivia is worth all the trouble and bad feeling ROS is causing.

Julian, G4ILO

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Siegfried Jackstien" 
<siegfried.jackst...@...> wrote:
> And as everybody knows ros is brand new . do you remember when new things
> were invented ?
> There were everytime people against new things ..
> Greetz
> Sigi

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