spread-spectrum > is mot legal on HF in the USA

That is the problem .''in the usa''.. some Clark in a office messed things up 
good style .. for him she or it , SS = big bandwidth , so  shove it  over 220 
meg . 

Problem is , other popular  modes use similar systems , didn't chirp  get taken 
 down  as well  .?..  Collateral damage or un intended consequence 

Why doesn't some one or one's  follow the  legal process  and  ask for  all  
narrow band  SS  modes in normal ssb  channel be  allowed for  use in the  usa  
..other wise , the  usa is no longer  leading the  world , just leading itself  
up the  garden  path 

If somebody of note doesn't take the matter in hand, the remaining SS based 
modes are in danger of joining the  blanket ban, only take some one to  ask  
why I can use this  but not  that  .. and `this'  will  join the  banned list.  

as the  song say's http://www.kididdles.com/lyrics/t050.html

G .

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Alan Beagley <ajbeag...@...> wrote:
> On 07/15/10 01:54 pm, "John Becker, WØJAB" wrote:
> > I wonder where ROS would be today if someone had been
> > truthful about it the first place?
> >
> > That little game of banning some from using it (for unknown reasons)
> > was just about it for me.
> I received a few ROS transmissions within a week or two of the mode's 
> appearance but have taken little interest since. I no longer have the 
> software on my computer.
> It seems to me that the developer of the mode may have cooked his own 
> goose: he declared it to be a spread-spectrum mode, and spread-spectrum 
> is mot legal on HF in the USA.
> 73
> Alan NV8A

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