
Its ok  for  us over this side  to  comment .. looks like the  technical  
argument is a  non starter as the ss words are  as  wide as a  barn door and 
you  have to  pass by  the  'cross' road  .. or is that by pass ...   

As far as I can  see  it will  need a  petition to request that ALL  enhanced 
bandwidth  modes are  allowed to  bring the  usa into align with the  rest of 
the  world as it  stands now , nearly  all  modes that  use b/w enhancement  
are in danger of being banned ?

G .. 

--- In, Chris Jewell <ae6vw-digitalra...@...> 
> g4ilo writes:
>  > 
>  >       But why are you all so worked up over this? It is the USA not
>  > Soviet Russia, you aren't going to end up in Siberia are you?
> The late J Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI, used to exile FBI agents
> he disliked to Alaska, which was as close to Siberia as he could send
> them.  <grin>
> However, you are right: the worst penalties which the FCC might
> plausibly impose on a US ham who lost an argument with them about
> whether ROS is spread-spectrum would be a fine or license revocation
> (the latter not likely for a first offense.)
> OTOH, most hams take seriously our obligation, as a disciplined and
> largely self-policing radio service, to operate within the both the
> International Radio Regulations AND the rules promulgated by our
> respective national administrations.  This is independent of the
> penalties for a violation.  There are exceptions, of course, but most
> of us WANT to follow both the rules and good practices at all times,
> so we also need to know what the rules are and what they mean.
> 73 DE KW6H (ex-AE6VW), Chris

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