g4ilo writes:
 >       But why are you all so worked up over this? It is the USA not
 > Soviet Russia, you aren't going to end up in Siberia are you?

The late J Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI, used to exile FBI agents
he disliked to Alaska, which was as close to Siberia as he could send
them.  <grin>

However, you are right: the worst penalties which the FCC might
plausibly impose on a US ham who lost an argument with them about
whether ROS is spread-spectrum would be a fine or license revocation
(the latter not likely for a first offense.)

OTOH, most hams take seriously our obligation, as a disciplined and
largely self-policing radio service, to operate within the both the
International Radio Regulations AND the rules promulgated by our
respective national administrations.  This is independent of the
penalties for a violation.  There are exceptions, of course, but most
of us WANT to follow both the rules and good practices at all times,
so we also need to know what the rules are and what they mean.

73 DE KW6H (ex-AE6VW), Chris

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