it's hard coded banned calls list, it's three calling frequencies on 20m,
it's inferior [to contestia] wide band mode, it's auto spotting on DX


"hall of shame" does not exist anymore (as I know)


3 qrg on 20 . yes it is the most used dx band .. How many phone channels of
3khz ???

You argue about the bandwith . as wide as a phone conversation so what?

Would you also tell the same to any phone operator?!? Hey your voice is 3kc
wide . could you please use cw or psk???

It is another experimental mode . time will show if it is longer used or not
(like many other modes)


Autospotfunction can now be switched off by the user so we all can switch it

No autospots > no more sysops of clusters will ban the mode


Okay joses behaviour in bringing the mode further is not okay . but he made
a great software

So why not use what we have?!?


In the newest version he made a autoreport to pskreporter map

As we can see the traffic now on a map we do not need the autospot anymore

So hopefully all users will upgrade their soft and switch the spotting off






>> plough the land with an M1 Abrahams ... what a nice idea

Why not use it for bringing the kids to school?

Not very economical but very patriotic . (just kidding)






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