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Von: [] Im
Auftrag von pd4u_dares
Gesendet: Freitag, 30. Juli 2010 15:26
Betreff: [digitalradio] Re: ROS v 4.8.X not spamming cluster - NOT



--- In <>
, "Siegfried Jackstien" <siegfried.jackst...@...> wrote:
> Marc . i agree that jose is as dummy . if you see his behaviour in some
> situations
> I do not wanna defend him (AS I DO NOT LIKE HIDDEN FUNCTIONS TOO)
> I just like the new mode as it works so well
> I just like experimenting with new "toys"
> That's all

Try PSK31 or contestia to contact VK. I think it is not so much the mode
(since how can that be?) but the contact you made that made you favor ROS.

I like experimenting and it is a new toy … thats why i favor it .. and I
wrote that I worked vk and zl with the mode 

And I had no luck with other modes for such a big distance…

> Jose made 3 qrg on 20m band to give more users a chance .

MORE ROS USERS … but you surely know that


More Pactor, Packet and WINMOR users??? Since that is what I am saying with
my "SSTV argument": a growing number of users implies more patience by ROS
users, and a better timing when to call CQ for those users. It does NOT
imply more calling frequencies. No other mode "claims" three calling
frequencies on one band.

> I see only low traffic on 115 most is on 103 and 112 so time will show if
> the third is needed

A third??? Needed??? More patience and better operating practice is needed
for ROS users.

As it is needed for all hams in a pileup … agree with that … stay cool and
wait till you et the qso … if not try next day

> If I look in the bandplan I see that automatic stations is upper limit 112
> so maybe we shoud use the lower qrg for (low power)beaconing with ros and
> only 115 for keyboard to keyboard qsos

Better not make QSO's at all in a wideband digi section were "unattended"
servers reside

It is digital and it is wideband …. And can be used as beacon … so wherelse
as in the digital area should ros go??

Jose changed the qrg several times … and asked on the hp for qrg to put it
in the soft … okay maybe 1 qrg would be easier to find than 3 of them …. 

. It is asking for QRM since often "automatic forwarding" takes place on
these frequencies. The frequencies are crowded there already so why try to
fit in with a 2200Hz wide mode? Better try to find an "own" watering hole
for ROS SINCE it is that wide.

It would be like using ROS on the SSTV frequency. But since that is a KNOWN
frequency for SSTV, people do not use 14.230 for any other mode. So why not
apply the same logic on 14.103/14.112/14.115 since all these frequencies are
used almost non stop by billboard systems and alike.


ALL USED BY BBS ??? how many qrgs for the bbs??? the whole area???

> Marc you said only one qrg on 20 for sstv??? I see traffic on 14230 as
> centre of activity . but also on 233, 236, 240(digi)

Digital SSTV is a completely different mode. Just listen to them and you
will know/hear the big difference. The only resemblance between the two is
sending pics. So the two modes SHARE the frequency.

As i know 240 is digital … and the other analog so no sharing


And on 14.227 and 14.233 there are no other modes operating on fixed
frequencies like packet/pactor BBS do on 14.103, 14.112 and 14.115, that is
a big difference.

> Same story but other mode ... most traffic is on 230 in sstv .. As it is
> 103 for ros
> And if there is more users on air or other modes using 103 I (and others)
> qsy to 112 and 115
> Like the sstv gang is doing . traffic on 230 . move to 233 or 236

If and ONLY if that frequency is free. And most of the times 14.233 or
14.227 are free. There is rarely SSTV traffic beyond these frequencies
except in August during the JASTA contest. Then the "SSTV gang" as you call
them, use 14.230 +/- 3Kc/6Kc. But even then during contest most traffic is
still on 14.230

So maybe 14.236 would have been a good frequency for ROS, since it is rarely
used since it is so close to the SSTV and digital SSTV center of activity
and can easily be SHARED with these modes.

I hear the ssty guys crying : marc why you said the ros guys to move on OUR

The calling frequencieS for ROS are most of the time in use, and have been
in use for years for many pactor servers or packet BBS. So it was quite
incosiderate by José and the ROS users to choose these frequencieS. That is
again a big difference.

Tell jose better qrg … he changed it several times and the digital area is
not so very wide …

Can we move outside the digital area … I think not as we have to stay in the
digital area written down in the bandplans

Moving completely out of digital is not okay I think … but others maybe know
it better



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