Marc . i agree that jose is as dummy . if you see his behaviour in some

I do not wanna defend him (AS I DO NOT LIKE HIDDEN FUNCTIONS TOO)

I just like the new mode as it works so well

I just like experimenting with new "toys"

That's all

Sure it would be way easier if he had a lis and if he knew better how to
invoke new stuff to the crowd

I often asked him about some things that could be made better . but he has
his own thoughts

Some things in the soft came from my ideas (example distance calculation)

It was ME that sent several dozen mails to users that I have seen in the
cluster . just to tell them to shut the autospot off

Days before it was ME that wrote how to stop the spotting with a firewall
(in versions before there was no switch)

Just to make pressure on jose to make that switch available .

So I have some same thoughts as you and some are different

If I see a pactor station in waterfall I do qsy . others may think ros does
it even if there is some other mode on the qrg and send ontop of the pactor
station but that's the fault of the user .. not of the developer 

I just hope that after some time ALL users shut off the spotting

Just because I do not want that more and more cluster sysops block ros-spots

Sending ontop other stations is not okay . agree 100x100

Jose made 3 qrg on 20m band to give more users a chance .

As this mode goes "around the blue marble" with a few watts he programmed
the 3 qrg on 20m

Now we have only a few hundred users (yet) so when there are a few thousands
the 3 qrg are "a must" I think

Time will show it ...

I see only low traffic on 115 most is on 103 and 112 so time will show if
the third is needed

If I look in the bandplan I see that automatic stations is upper limit 112
so maybe we shoud use the lower qrg for (low power)beaconing with ros and
only 115 for keyboard to keyboard qsos


Marc you said only one qrg on 20 for sstv??? I see traffic on 14230 as
centre of activity . but also on 233, 236, 240(digi)

Same story but other mode ... most traffic is on 230 in sstv .. As it is on
103 for ros

And if there is more users on air or other modes using 103 I (and others)
qsy to 112 and 115

Like the sstv gang is doing . traffic on 230 . move to 233 or 236


>changing one's motives and mindset is a completely different matter...

Right and well said Marc .. Not easy to change joses mind in some cases ..

Sometimes friendly asking helps . sometimes you have to give him a kick in
his back hi hi (see the sent mails by me as such a kick)


I do not know him very well . just had some emails with him and I also do
not like all he does .

But now we have to live with what we have . just make it wise .

Wait if there are other stations ... stay cooooool .

I can wait if there is other traffic . as I know I can work the world with
this mode there is no time pressure for me

I worked vk4 with a few watts and so there is no next goal for me (so I
often only monitor now)

But others are new and so they are experimenting like I did in the first






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