--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Siegfried Jackstien" 
<siegfried.jackst...@...> wrote:

> 3 qrg on 20 . yes it is the most used dx band .. How many phone channels of
> 3khz ???

None in the wideband digimode section!
None continously on top of packet/pactor/winmor

> You argue about the bandwith . as wide as a phone conversation so what?

Because it is the wideband digi section of the 20m band where all BBS reside. 
Remember I was forced to go QSY with my RMS because of the ROS QRM.

> Would you also tell the same to any phone operator?!? Hey your voice is 3kc
> wide . could you please use cw or psk???

If he is continously calling on top - like most ROS stations do- , yes I would 
ask him to QSY.

> It is another experimental mode . time will show if it is longer used or not

You do not seem to get the drift Sigi. It makes no sense to compare ROS with 
phone. Compare ROS to other digital mode PSE. And then look at it's bandwidth 
compared to all the other modes. Don't play dumb Sigi...

Marc, PD4U

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