I'm trying to work with the ZQM REQ / REP message blocks while learning
about ZMQ. From their overview guide < http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all
>, they define various graphs where the interconnects are the ZMQ

Thus, for example, in Figure 4 "Publish-Subscribe", the PUB would be GR
sinks: taking in messages / data & publishing it to a ZMQ SUB; the ZPQ
SUB would be GR sources: receiving data from ZMQ SUB & pushing out
message. Looking in GRC, these blocks align with my expectations.

Ditto for Figure 5 "Parallel Pipeline" using ZMQ PUSH (GR sink) and ZMQ
PULL (GR source).

But this model doesn't work for the REP / REQ in Figure 2
"Request-Reply". I would expect the ZMQ REQ to be a GR sink but instead
if is a source; likewise, I'd expect the ZMQ REP to be a GR source & it
is instead a sink.

The internal coding is consistent with the external naming; I just
question whether the naming was swapped. Am I missing something? - MLD

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