On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 12:20 PM, Michael Dickens <michael.dick...@ettus.com
> wrote:

> OK. I think the issue is that's not how ZMQ is designed to work with
> respect to REQ/REP.  I think it's designed to do "sink -> REQ -> ZMQ ->
> REP -> source", so that the REQ is a sink & REP is a source. In a quick
> internet search, this model is what I turn up. GR's model is the name
> swap of this model; it would work internally to GR, but I won't be able
> to connect GR to the outside world (or, at least my application) because
> of this swapping.

​The ZMQ REQ/REP dataflow has the receiving end REQuest data from the
sending end when needed, which REPlies with a packet.  It's a form of flow

>From the GNU Radio perspective, streams flow into GNU Radio sinks to exit
the flowgraph, and data is sourced into a flowgraph from a GNU Radio source

Thus, the correct model is GR Stream | GR REP Sink | ZMQ REP | ZMQ
Transport | ZMQ REQ |  GR REQ source | GR stream

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