Michael, I found the need to do the same for some applications. I also
needed to choose between bind and connect (I made this a parameter of my

Wouldn't be better to have just one sink and one source with selectable
options, like:
* socket_type: REP/REQ/SUB/PUB/PUSH/PULL
* method: bind / connect
* interface: stream / message

2016-07-28 21:23 GMT-03:00 Michael Dickens <michael.dick...@ettus.com>:

> On Thu, Jul 28, 2016, at 06:44 PM, Johnathan Corgan wrote:
> The ZMQ REQ/REP dataflow has the receiving end REQuest data from the
> sending end when needed, which REPlies with a packet.  It's a form of flow
> control.
> From the GNU Radio perspective, streams flow into GNU Radio sinks to exit
> the flowgraph, and data is sourced into a flowgraph from a GNU Radio source
> block.
> Thus, the correct model is GR Stream | GR REP Sink | ZMQ REP | ZMQ
> Transport | ZMQ REQ |  GR REQ source | GR stream
> The GR stream is no longer the "pull" model that it was back in the day.
> If anything, it's more the "push" model: data is created at sources and
> moved downstream, processed & moved again until it reaches sinks.
> It's just as valid to say that the sending end generates data, sends it
> via ZMQ, & REQuests a reply; the receiving end gets the data via ZMQ then
> REPlies; hence REQ/sink -> REP/source instead of the other way around. That's
> the model the ZMQ folks use in their Figure 2 from
> http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all .
> I'm not saying it's the only way to do things; what I am saying is that in
> a quick internet search this REQ/sink -> REP/source is how some other
> projects do their transport. I can't review all projects, so I can't say
> "many" or "all"; I did not find any projects that didn't do it this way,
> except GNU Radio, though they do likely exist.
> My argument here is that it's equally valid to do the ZMQ REP/REQ
> transport either way, and if other projects are doing it the opposite way
> from GNU Radio, why aren't we providing an option to support that way?
> As I wrote: I'm just going to create my own OOT that swaps the REP/REQ
> names, so that it works with my project. - MLD
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