On Fri, 2016-07-29 at 11:49 -0400, Michael Dickens wrote:

> I'm looking for an OOT to do the REP /REQ way that GR does -not-
> provide, or will just create one myself. I don't anticipate adding it to
> the core gr-zeromq component. I agree that it would add unnecessary
> complexity to those already-existing blocks. - MLD

I don't care if new blocks are added to gr-zmq to cover the other

I just think its a bad idea to code a super-flexible gr-zeromq block
with "multiple-personalities" into a single C++ block and have its
functionality change between REQ/REP/PUB/SUB/PUSH/PULL based on an input

BTW, I know of no OOT that has the functionality you need.  Sorry.


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