Hi Geroge,
I have also been happy with OpenSRS and would like to keep all my Domains
with them
providing I can lock them down and I  get My Domain Back . I 'm painfully
having our
office verify all 350 domains that belong to our Company and Clients that
are Registered through OpenSRS.

Alan DeRossett
Digital Starlight Communications Inc.

George Kirikos wrote:

> Hello,
> --- Alan DeRossett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Will I need to constanly verifiy ever domain I register and host,
> > with third party
> > registries once a month to make sure they were not hijacked? I relied
> > on OPENSRS to
> This is worrisome. I hope some form of a "lockdown" procedure is
> implemented, so that all transfers can be denied if the "lockdown" flag
> is enabled for a domain. I'm happy keeping all my domains at OpenSRS,
> and would rarely want to consider any transfers.
> Sincerely,
> George Kirikos
> http://www.kirikos.com/
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