Joey deVilla wrote:

Putting discussions under one roof is meant to simplify things for both you and us. The idea is to have just *one* method for discussion, reducing the number of places you have to check.

I already have one place I need to check all my mailing lists. It's my mail program.

If I have to check on the Tucows site for Tucows communication, and the ABC Company site for ABC communication, etc., etc., you've *increased* the number of places I have to check.

Abandoning mailing lists means that I probably won't participate in the new discussions.

There is nothing wrong with the current system that switching to Mailman will not solve. (Unless, of course, you're trying to cut down on customer communication, in which case switching to something that does not arrive in my mailbox is a great way to go about it.)

I suspect that Tucows thinks everyone uses RSS, just because everyone at Tucows does. Most of us don't use RSS: it's a crappy medium compared to the richness of e-mail (with e-mail, the content is already right here), and I'm unlikely to start using it. Nor do I want to set up news connections to replace every mailing list I'm on, troubleshooting it each time someone's news server isn't working properly. Nor do I want to visit twenty Web pages.

Just as an example of what will happen, I looked at the first blog link Elliot sent to this list, and I simply ignored all the rest. For all I know, he said something important to me in the other posts, but I simply don't have the time to be visiting different people's Web pages whenever they want to tell me something. I can skim the contents of about 30 messages a minute in my e-mail program, which is impossible with any other equally reliable system (I generally don't put privately run NNTP servers in the "reliable" category; Tucows may be different, but I doubt it).

If you go through with this change, I, like most people on this list, will read and participate less. Hardly the goal you are looking for.

Robert L Mathews, Tiger Technologies

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