On Mon, 17 Jan 2005, Joey deVilla wrote: > Putting discussions under one roof is meant to simplify things for both > you and us. The idea is to have just *one* method for discussion, > reducing the number of places you have to check.
Joey: As other have said, I find by experience that when a discussion moves to a web forum, I don't participate as often. It's one more thing to remember. In terms of haveing things 'under one roof' -- it depends on perspecitve. GIven that OpenSRS is not the only company (or topic) I read about, haveing things come in via e-mail puts them all in one place FOR ME -- my e-mail program. In terms of reading from anywhere, I would think at this point that haveing access to your e-mail from anywhere would be 'standard', weather it's IMAP, webmail, etc. Just to be clear though, when I say I won't check the web board, it's not a threat, that I'm going to do because I don't like it. I'm just relateing what has been the case in the past. It's just the way it happens. ========================================================== Chris Candreva -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- (914) 967-7816 WestNet Internet Services of Westchester http://www.westnet.com/