Allen Pulsifer ha scritto:
So what I would like to see is an many LibreOffice people at the table as
possible.  If possible, I would like to see LibreOffice people dominating
the Apache OpenOffice community to get as much out of the project as we can.

Firstly, I've to say that I'm happy Oracle hasn't killed OOo and *will* donate even its brand to Apache Foundation.

Then, as a volunteer, I simply see a duplication of efforts for whatever TDF volunteers in this proposal.

What TDF can get for Apache project, it can be already taken thanks to Apache License 2.0.

Any further contribution to that project has really no sense from a TDF volunteer's point of view. Especially if the volunteer is not a developer.

Yes, there may be coordination between TDF and Apache OOo development ("I give you something, you give me something"), but a direct contribution to Apache OOo is rather risky ("I give you something and... ehi, you have no duty to give me something back!" according to AFL v. 2.0).

That isn't, really, what I want from a *free software* project.

Plain and simple. :)


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