Apostolos wrote:
> I am part of the TeX builders team. There we provide binaries for extinct 
> OSes but not for AIX...

We get it -- you want kernel mode-setting instead of user space mode setting 
for the Illumos graphics driver stack. Please go write it instead of whining 
about its absence at every possible opportunity.

Your opinions on everything GUI vs CLI and which operating systems are relevant 
and and which are not are exactly that -- opinions crafted from your own very 
specific and apparently very narrow view of computing. There are literally 
dozens of alternative operating systems out there with modern GUIs that you may 
find more to your liking. 

You are free to choose one and stop bombarding us with your negativity and 
pedantic behavior. Of course, these are merely my opinions so I shall not 
attempt to enforce them on a community that may or may not share my viewpoint.


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