I have found that the only true artifact a developer understands is
coded interactive prototype. W/o one there is always ambiguity left
for "cultural" interpretation.

But I do think there is a difference between "understanding" and

for example in our current studio I was sitting with an industrial
designer who said something that I say everyday. Basically, "I hate
working with engineers." Yup, its horrible, but true, but in many
cultural environments there is a real problem in the sub-position
that states that he who builds or he who buys has the final say. Now
the latter one I get, though it doesn't promote a very good
collaborative environment. But heck there are business run (bottom
line) run companies out there that are a pain to work for for both
designer and engineer (my previous employer for example.) But there
is also that case where engineers in many design environments take
the point of view of design as "suggestion" and they will build it
as they way.

This isn't about "understanding", but it is about "valuing". The
example my colleague was discussing was contrasting how an engineer
feels they can say, "I can't do that." and there should be no
further discussion about it, but when I designer says, "This is the
design," it means that this is a start for negotiation.


Josh V. I disagree w/ you. Yes, in any 2-way relationship everyone is
responsible for communicating, but in every 2-way relationship
everyone is responsible for being respectful and being engaged. To me
we have our burden, but they have theirs as well.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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