
This is why we need to forge ahead and start creating completely new
ways of communicating, a new vocabulary!

Such as, "strategolutions". Which is a combination of strategy and
solutions. I stole that from an american commercial that ran
frequently few years back. Funny stuff.

This site has probably been posted on the list before, but it cracks
me up every time I see it: http://www.huhcorp.com/


On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 9:16 AM, mark schraad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Doesn't it just make you want to shout out 'buzzword bingo'?
>  On Feb 20, 2008 8:44 AM, W Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > My biggest - one of them at least, "axes to grind" - is the use of
>  > "in-language," "jargon," bad metaphors and cliches. The most annoying one,
>  > however, is the use of sports metaphors in diction. I have seen
>  > politicians
>  > speeches and marketing websites where a reader is subjected to paragraphs
>  > of
>  > nothing more than bad-metaphors and cliches strong together, one after
>  > another, signifying (in the Lacanian sense) nothing whatsoever. I don't
>  > want
>  > to touch-base to enhance synergies while mitigating against
>  > potentialities,
>  > knock it out of the park, hit a home run, score a touchdown while standing
>  > shoulder to shoulder with my team mates, or create any win-win situations
>  > that leverage my core competencies. For those so inclined - or those
>  > incapable of expressing themselves without the use of pretentious diction,
>  > false analogies, verbal false limbs, or glittering generalities -
>  > definitely read the classic Orwell - "Politics amd the English Language,"
>  > http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/orwell46.htm
>  >
>  > And that is my "axe to grind" today :-)
>  >
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