There is a wealth of literature on Orwellian "newspeak". For well-reasoned
opinion look up books by Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn.

Here, for example, Chomsky discusses two ideas of "democracy" (similar to
the notion of "American people"):

Twain's, Orwell's and Huxley's classic books are also educational (look up
Orwell's essay on English language).


On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 6:25 PM, Michael Micheletti <

> Watching a YouTube presidential campaign clip the other day, the candidate
> kept saying "The American People this" and "The American People that".
> The way it sort of trilled off the tongue reminded me much of developers
> saying "The Users this" and "The Users that".
> We've all heard of or employed various ways to work the design past "The
> Users" when creating software: user research, personas, inviting a couple
> representative users onto the design team, etc. We know from past
> experience
> that what the developers think "The Users" want may be instead what the
> developers want, or know how to do perhaps.
> Does "The American People" / Politicians sound like "The Users" /
> Developers
> to you? Are there other similar Generalization / Occupation pairs you can
> think of? Examples from other cultures and languages? Clarification from
> anyone more politically savvy than I am (that's just about everybody)?
> If this doesn't make any sense, my apologies, it may be the antibiotics &
> cough medicine talking...
> Michael Micheletti
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