On May 5, 2008, at 1:37 PM, Andrei Herasimchuk wrote:

I think you'll be hard pressed to find examples from the last two decades, and as you've already stated, it doesn't work.

Hey man, don't get in a lather.

You said that you didn't think *anyone* said those things. I said they did. You said you didn't believe me because I didn't cite it. I cited it.

I never said these philosophies were (a) popular, (b) showed successful long-term results, or (c) I agreed with them. All I said is that I know people who had said they thought it was a bad move to reduce complexity because it would impact their market share.

I've always been in agreement with you that it was a stupid way for them to proceed -- very short sighted and not in the best interest of their organization. But people do and say all kinds of crazy things.

So, don't get all flustered at me just because these people have foolish ideas.

Hugs & kisses,


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