I'm sure I'll be forever labeled as the curmmodgeonly luddite on the list, but I really do not want to *ever* debug or reboot my refridgerator, even if that means I'll always have to make shopping lists the old fashioned way: the upside of automation is totally outweighed for me by the likelyhood of adding more fragility. Frankly in 2008 its still pretty damn hard to find a thermostat that doesn't toally suck to use - my faith in the ease of use of web programmable kitchen appliances is comically low.

More in-line with this thread: why do we assume homes have less background noise than offices? If the TV or radio is on doesn't that create nearly as many problems?


Scott Berkun

From: "Kevin Doyle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've read about some great HCI coming to the home -- you'll be able
to start your dishwasher, check what's in your fridge while at the
grocery store (or order from home using your fridge) and turn on the
AC/heat very soon. I could see how the inside of a home could be
controlled by voice once things get that wired... but until then, I
don't see much voice happening.

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