Hold on Andrei, Just b/c I need to learn Type to be a good IxD,
doesn't mean Type is part of IxD. As an anthro major, I had to take
stats, linguistics and psyche but no one would argue that Anthro is
an umbrella for all of those courses. Heck, no one would even argue
that under anthro there aren't VERY distinct disciplines of applied,
arch, physical, medical and cultural. There is even ethno-musicology,

Everything is an onion of various levels of nesting and nothing in
the world is absolutely unique, yet we are able to dissect out pieces
through processes of deconstruction.

BTW, there is nothing NOT English about my my def of UI Design.

I think my previous answer explains it. BTW, being pulled from
history is a HUGE compliment. Wow! that shitting presentation is
still in your memory. ;-) ... 

I would go on further to say that everything in it is true today,
however, my understanding of it has evolved to a new order of
complexity where I would state that the relationships are both
hierarchical as expressed and (Is there an IA in the house?)
non-hierarchical and even multi-heirarchical where each folds on each
other and can be sliced for purposes of understanding from various
POVs (or dynamic states of view) depending on the problem set one is
attempting to address. The only whole owner is the "experience" or
product, or collection of elements that make up the total eco-system
depending on what the designer can control.

Again, the reason for understanding the topics surrounding 
"making" are more about supporting the core aspects of framing
(trying to find a similar verb that fits the core of IxD separating
it from form).

Damn! and to think I thought we were getting some where. The one pt I
def agree with is that IxD education requires the same things that you
seem to want as well. Which implies that the role of the designer (no
modifier) is probably overlapping greatly some place.

-- dave

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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