Do you believe in Karma? I do. :-) I've been a part of a couple of organizations in Canada (public and private) where I would concur with Jared's advice. Always take the higher road; the world is a tiny place and you never know who you upset today may be providing you with options in the future. No one works for one company for their career any more, anyway. (I wonder if this will change hiring practices?) I can relate to the emotion felt by Benjamin. It "hurts" personally and professionally when organizations tell you your services are no longer required. All you hear is "your ideas are of no value to our business..." - that stings! At the end of the day, people are the foundation of every organization. Find one where you feel valued and can get excited about the corporate culture; life's too short and there's so much we need to fix! :-)


Jared Spool wrote:

On Oct 6, 2008, at 6:54 AM, Benjamin Ho wrote:

I agree with others here as well - if they've purposely figured out a
way to exclude you in their plans, and there's a misalignment in
philosophy and methodology, then it's time to go.

If I were you, I'd also take "your plans" that you had offered
with you - delete as many files you can before you leave so they
don't have a clue.  They're not going to use them anyway.

With all due respect (and understanding how ideas like this might make things feel just), I think it's always best to act as professional as possible.

Any work you did for your employer is their property. Deleting files and taking proprietary information isn't just malicious (and likely illegal), it's also not the professional way to leave a long-term relationship.

Not mentioning that you'll probably want references and there might be good leads from people you've work with, it sets an example and shows that you're of the caliber that can handle any situation.

So, I'd recommend against any exit behavior that isn't of the highest regard for the employer.

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