Brett said >> In my personal opinion, I don't see developers having
the savvy interpersonal passion to link hearts with clients to see
their (the client's) vision come to pass. 

Where I work the Agile teams are not in practice working with
customers.   The prod manager shows a mid-stream version every 5
months to a customer to get feedback.  But in practice they are
deriving their customer stories (work tasks) by tackling pieces from
the design specs.  

Brett said >> What blew my mind away was that the exact same M.O.
(Method of Operation) that these predators had, were the exact same
of most developers- *a serious lack of 'People Skills', 'taking
advantage of their prey's/client's ignorance' and a very
'offensive type of Arrogance*'. (The kind of arrogance that always
want's the last word, and thinks their smarter then everybody else
and desires to prove it.)

This is an interesting connection.  I'm sure others have experienced
being "attacked with logic" when presenting a design...for example
two parts of the application need to behave differently for solid
reasons, but dev will look at them as the same in some technical
sense and point to the inconsistency and emphatically state they
should behave the same (when no client would ever see the

Brett said>> Here are a few more steps for you to act upon.

Thank you for your list, very specific, great perspective...I have
already started on many of these areas.  Proving constructive
dismissal is a chess-match (or so a lawyer I've consulted says) and
the onus is on the employee.

Brett said>> there are many areas where we as IxDs lack the skills to
to have a holistic point of view in regards to connecting the dots on
the backend.

I absolutely agree.  I've hired industrial designers from OCAD to
try out ixd and found they don't understand the "materials"
(software code, libraries) and are totally unable to predict
tradeoffs or the behavior of developer.   For example, they will
design a cool custom control for an infrequently used configuration
screen and you're rolling your eyes, aware that it is totally
unpresentable to a dev team (ie no one would ever spend time to build
that control when stock dropdowns etc would get the job done).

Thanks again Brett. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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