And now for a constructive answer after having gotten my snarky answer out
of my system.

Clearly they are moving in a direction that does not value UCD, and they
think developers can magically gain the skills, methods, and processes
necessary to design good applications without designers - they are wrong -
but that is what they think and it seems you can't convince them otherwise.

It seems that their "constructive dismissal" tactic is because they don't
want to simply lay you off because they need your institutional knowledge
around these applications without actually paying for that, and they may be
trying to escape paying a serverance. Your company may very well be located
in a "at will" state meaning they can fire you for any/all/no reason without
repercussion, so you need to come back with a strong offer.

That would be you tell them you will take a 2 month (or something like that
based on years of service and level) severance plus cash out your vacation
to walk away, but that you would be available for - say - 20 hours per month
at some reasonable rate (150/hr), to provide consulting around applications
you have been on as they move forward with their agile development efforts.
You might also throw in that they need to provide out-placement services to
help you in the transition. These are reasonable requests, Norman, and a
very small price for a very large company to pay to not have the water
poisoned and never be able to higher an IxD or IA ever again - back in the
day we had a website for anonymous posting about things like this, but I
don't think F** exists anymore the way it used to.

Hope this real advice helps.

On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 6:43 AM, Acuity Corp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Will,
> A little "collateral damage" during that hunting trip would be beneficial
> to everyone using these distortions.
> I'd ask that Cheney also take Paulson along on the trip.  The propaganda
> tactics continued this week with threats of imminent unmitigated financial
> ruin and martial law unless $700 billion was thrown onto the black hole of
> bank balance sheets.   Something had to be done immediately or we would
> "fall of the precipice" into an "economic Pearl Harbor."  Such were the
> words from Warren Buffet's phone-in to congress.  His Wells Fargo bank
> stands to benefit from the garage sale.  The fear induced was so high and
> his authority so unchecked that in the same breath he was able to say "I'm
> not saying the Paulson plan will eliminate the problems."
> Greatest bank robbery in history.   We all watched them do it.
> And now today I read that nothing will be operationally for at least 6
> weeks. Bush: "We'll take the time necessary to design an effective program
> that achieves its objectives...."   Paulson:  "We will move rapidly to
> implement the new authorities, but we will also move methodically."
> Sickening.
> Norman
> On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 11:41 PM, William Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Btw: the term "constructive dismissal" is the kind of dishonest perversion
>> of language that Orwell warned about in his classic article on language and
>> politics. The spineless syncophant that invented that term should be forced
>> to go on a pheasant hunting trip with Chaney after he's knocked back a few
>> 7&7's - just sayin...
>> will evans
>> emotive architect &
>> hedonic designer
>> 617.281.1281
>> twitter: semanticwill
>> aim: semanticwill
>> gtalk: wkevans4
>> skype: semanticwill
>> _________________________

~ will

"Where you innovate, how you innovate,
and what you innovate are design problems"

Will Evans | User Experience Architect
tel: +1.617.281.128 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
aim: semanticwill     |  gtalk: wkevans4
twitter: semanticwill | skype: semanticwill
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