The way i see it, it is the intermediate of IRC & IM. It has the advantages of individual asynchronous talking that IM brings, but can also lead to real-time conversation to a group that IRC brings.
It is like a train I can jump on and off of. It is referencable. i.e. I can mark a tweet as a favorite (i.e. it has a URL in it that I want to get back to). And it is subscriable in that my feed is an RSS feed and all that that means. The 140 character post limit also adds a special dimension that IM and IRC don't have. Also, and related to the 140char limit is that it is multi-channel accessible and has a rich API which has led to neat creations. I.e. I can send a message to "d ixda" and everyone following can get it (sorta like this list). In the end, it is a mode that requires an investment, an interest in people's minutiae and the ability to tolerate just sheer bull-shit. B/c in so doing you really get at a few things: 1) deeper relationships with those you didn't expect you could 2) nuggets of gold that I really don't get anywhere else. Oh! and by merging my tweets with my facebook status I get another mode that especially during this election period has been quite special for me. In the end, like any new medium, some people make it work and some don't need it. I.e. I have a ton of friends who don't own TVs. They see no need for it (especially in the internet age). Me? I can't live w/o either my TV or my Twitter. ;-) -- dave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted from the new ________________________________________________________________ Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)! To post to this list ....... [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unsubscribe ................ List Guidelines ............ List Help ..................