copying my response back to the list...

On Feb 12, 2009 8:20 AM, "Christopher James Calo" <>

I don't have much experience with screen readers, but I think more semantic
means of communicating label-field connection are preferred.  The label
element's for attribute and the aria labeledby attribute are designed for
this very purpose.  In my minimalist opinion, colons are non-data ink (that
is, they contribute to distracting the eye and don't offer any useful
information).  So I agree with your copy dept and LukeW: throw them out.

Tell me if you need more info on those attributes.


On Feb 11, 2009 1:20 PM, <> wrote:

Could anyone help me on the subject of whether to use colons after field
labels. I have found one accessibility paper and a few other
not-so-respected sources that indicate that colons after field labels
help screen reader users, as well as normal vision users, to expect an
input field. However, after years of including colons after field
labels, our copy dept now maintains that a colon is punctuation and
shouldn't be included after field labels. I've also found Jarrett's, "No
one cares about colons but UX people" and Luke W doesn't mention it in
his book :(.  Has anyone fought this battle before? Do you have any
sources that you could point me to?

Thanks in advance,
Courtney Jordan

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