

I think we both agree that design is about purpose and process - about doing
something systematically, and attending to the craft and detail of the


If I claim to "design a rollercoaster", I intend for it to be duplicated -
exactly as I created - over and over. 

If I claim to "design the experience of using the rollercoaster", it follows
that I intend for that use to be duplicated - exactly as I created - over
and over. 

If I claim to "design the experience framework in which the rollercoaster is
used", it leaves room for people to experience it in their own way. 


In this case, it's a totally semantic distinction, and it's a critical one. 






From: Todd Zaki Warfel [] 
Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 7:47 PM
To: Austin Govella
Cc: list IXDA; Jon [GMAIL]
Subject: Re: [IxDA Discuss] Its Just UX



On Mar 28, 2009, at 7:01 PM, Austin Govella wrote:

On Mar 28, 2009, at 1:04 PM, Jon [GMAIL] wrote:

1. The language of "user experience designer" is demeaning, as it implies
that a designer first _makes_ an experience and then someone _consumes_ it &
that consumers are, on their own, unable to experience things, and that an
experience can be mass produced like a hammer or a toaster. Implicit in this
language is the sense of control, power and ownership, and the idea that a
consumer is helpless to bring anything on their own to a moment in time.


I don't see that at all. Designing an experience doesn't mean a consumer
isn't able to experience things on their own. Consumers experience things
all day long at Disney, experiences, which have been designed. There might
be a shared experience among those who consume it, but each still consumes
it on their own in their own way.




Todd Zaki Warfel

Principal Design Researcher

Messagefirst | Designing Information. Beautifully.


Contact Info

Voice:      (215) 825-7423



Blog: <http://toddwarfel/> 

Twitter:    zakiwarfel


In theory, theory and practice are the same.

In practice, they are not.





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