
I've been an IxD professional for more than 10 years and an amateur
urban planning geek for many years as well. In grad school I took
some architecture and planning classes to fill out my IxD and overall
tech experience in preparation for working in this area.

It's odd that you bring this up now, because I just engaged in one
of the best IxD / urban planning discussions ever, last week at the
SF UX Book Club, wherein we read and discussed a planning classic and
one of my overall favorite books %u2013 A Pattern Language %u2013 and
how it related to our field of online user experience.

I recommend that you check out that book as well as reading up about
urban planning in general and at least perusing other classic books
in the field.  Then seek out and chat with some planners, this will
help you chart your course. The guide here looks like a good start:


Sean Savage
San Francisco

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