
I like this explanation a lot. Jared's point is a good one, but I wouldn't make instructional design responsible for the learning process. There are different learning modalities and (gardner's visual, verbal, etc) Instructional design may succeed in facilitating learning with some and not with others. I think your right that ID uses ixd but ID is also applied to the sequencing of activities, the use of resources, roles, tasks, and goals of activities, the build of activities (which varies by discipline: reading and comprehension is taught differently than, say math or science, etc), and so on. So in my experience it hews closely to the content, and is design of a sort of the interaction with content. Bad ID would result in confusing the learning process, but good ID is not a guarantee of success.


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On Jul 28, 2009, at 3:43 PM, Cindy Edwards wrote:

Jared Spool offered: "One way to think about it is that, most of the
time, interaction design succeeds if the user doesn't learn anything
in the process and instructional design succeeds if they do."

I agree, to a point: Interaction design succeeds when the user
doesn't have to expressly learn to use the tool they are interacting
with, and instructional design (for online learning) succeeds in part
when the interaction design is effective.

For technology-based learning, interaction design is a necessary
function of success. Sound pedagogical design for a learning
experience does not guarantee success. IxD is part of the ID process,
whether the instructional designer takes responsibility for it or the
developers take responsibility for it. At some point, IxD is
paramount to learner success in interacting with the instructional
interface. Poor usability (weak IxD) distracts the learners from the
goals and objectives of the instructional experience, thus poor IxD
directly influences the success of ID.

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