>I would remember when the passage I was working on started,
>so I would just scroll back using the slider to just previous.
It kind of works I guess for REW, as you may have some kind of clue as to the 
absolute position you want to go back to.

Personally, I hardly ever use REW, only when I now overshoot where I want to 
be, so I have to then go back a bit.

More frequently, I'll start to play a podcast, get half way through and wander 
off doing something else.  I'll come back and realise I forgot to pause it, so 
I need to rewind.  As I don't know the exact minute/second I was at when I 
left, and I don't know in terms of percentage or pixels how much progress I had 
made, it's just guesswork to try to find the right position.

Conversely, there are times when I do know the exact position to set.  eg. If I 
make a note of the current position before pressing stop/queing something else 
up, and then want to come back to it.  However, I tend to now either use the 
Bookmark plugin or don't bother using SqueezeCenter for this type of playback 
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