egd;340895 Wrote: 
> You've missed the point completely, if you're intelligent enough to
> identify an icon on a screen and click on it with a mouse (and I assume
> you are as you use windows) you're also sufficiently technically
> proficient to use a Linux distribution out of the box.

Some questions/comments I'd like your views on, to show I'm listening
and do not wish to miss your point:

1. I see postings here from Linux users having trouble, and the
conversations involve entries and files full of stuff resembling
hieroglyphics. Are you saying one can use linux without exposure to
such things?

2. It seems there are more daily trouble posts from linux users than
from Win uses, even though the first group is likely a very small
fraction the size of the second. What conclusion to draw from that?

3. My impression is that more apps are written for Win than for other
operating systems.  Apple OSX second place, linux third. Doesn't this
mean that using linux limits available software options?

4. The cost of Windows is trivial to me. I don't have time or interest
to become a computer geek in my spare time. What would I gain from
using linux?

In your response, may I ask that you not suggest the platform is more
stable and that SC runs more reliably, because Win on my PCs is stable
and all apps are responsive and reliable.

Thanks, I'm open minded and ready to learn

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